Judgment - Part 1
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About-Him.Com Devotional 01-20-2018

Judgment - Part 1  
  I’ve been thinking along the lines of judgment. I have been asking myself: How do others see me? How do I see others? How does God see me? Would this affect the way I see others? Do I have the capacity to see others as God sees them?

Please indulge me while I get a bit silly.

I rather like the title,"Judge Don." Folks meet me on the street and say, "Good morning, Judge." Of course, me being the judge, they naturally assume that I am superior to themselves and I prefer to believe that myself. They believe that if I’m the judge, I know the law and keep it to the nth degree. Everyone who comes into my presence presents themselves in proper dress and decorum, with bosoms and backsides and whatever else properly covered. No belly button and nose jewelry in the presence of Judge Don. I’m sure they have all read my book, "The World According to Judge Don - How I Think Everything and Everybody Should Be.” If they haven't, I would advise that they do so before entering my presence. I also have an aversion to tattoos, so you had best keep them hidden in my presence or you might find my judgment skewered.

I do confess that contrary to public opinion, I am not perfect. I am much more sympathetic when it is my own kids that mess up or people that I like. I also have limitations, but I don't advertise them. I can't see into the heart of the person that I'm condemning but I don't let that get in the way of my little facade.

When I see the teenager with purple hair and all kinds of hardware in their mouth and nose, I am unable to see beyond that. I can't see the child that has been neglected and abused. When I see the aged grandmother who dresses like she's the queen of the disco ball, I'm not able to discern the hurts and disappointments she's had along the way. I have no way of knowing that their heart's cry is, "Somebody help me find my way." I can't imagine them crying out like the Apostle Paul, "Oh wretcheth man/women teenager/vagrant, etc. that I am, who shall deliver me......” Nope, if they don't fit my profile, they couldn't possibly be thinking like that.

As much as I try to be politically correct, I do have my biases. I prefer folks just like me: Same skin color, same language, same regional accent, etc. etc. Let each one have their own church. I'm sure that heaven will be segregated.

I do see where Jesus crossed racial and political lines, but I don't let that faze me. Sure, He preached to the Greek cities of Decapolis and cast out the devil from the daughter of a Syro-Phoenician women, but I prefer, "Us four and no more." He also had a habit of kibitzing with low class folks. He even socialized with Democrats/Republicans (take your pick, I'm not stupid ). He spoke life to a women in Samaria who had a well beaten path around the proverbial block. He forgave another who had been caught in the very act of adultery. He had every right to have her stoned then and there. I certainly would have. Guess there's a big difference between Him and me.

I do have my moments of introspection. I do remember my 22 years of supporting the R..J. Reynolds tobacco company, but I don't let that little fact gender any compassion for others who are likewise addicted. The local Pharisees were quick to condemn me. Their common stinging rebuke was, "He ain’t got nothin." I still remember how they twisted their mouth and nose as they said it. (I'm glad their face didn't freeze in that position. Come to think of it, some did). They didn't know that I knew better and how my heart cried out to God for release of this bondage.

I remember that, as a young man, Satan did his best to tempt and bind me with alcohol. I also remember when I knelt and cried out to the Lord in my little sound room cubby hole in the back of the church. I don’t know if anyone was aware of it but as the congregation repeatedly sang I Surrender All, I gave it all to the Lord and found release.

Please don’t share any of these insights that I’ve let slip with anyone else. It would spoil my image as "Judge."

It has been said that when I point my finger at another person, three fingers are pointing back at me.

(To Be Continued)

Song: My God, My King and My Redeemer

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"God is a verb." - Buckminster Fuller

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Last modified:01-27-2018
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