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About-Him.Com Devotional 05-23-2008

I Was That One Lost Sheep

 The story is told of an opera singer who stood in a rowdy pub and sang a beautiful aria. She then stated, “There will always be folks out there who do not like what we are doing, but if there is ONE, LET US SING AND PLAY FOR THAT PERSON.” This reminded me of the Parable of the one lost sheep, of which an excerpt is posted below.  

The publicans flocked to see Jesus. Jesus had previous extended an invitation to Matthew as he collected taxes, "Follow Me." Matthew did so and gave a great supper in honor of Jesus. Of course the only people who would accept his invitation were sinners, just like himself, and us. These folk knew Matthew and his former life. They saw a changed and different person now, following the Master. People watch and read our life and listen to our testimony. If our deeds match our words, they are impressed and are open to hear the gospel.  

A great painting comes to mind of the Good Shepherd reaching down to the lamb who has been stranding on the side of a steep mountain. Another of the Gentle Shepherd cradling a little lamb in His protective arms.  

All of us have strayed at one time or another. The grass is always greener on the other side of the fence. Perhaps we wanted a bit of excitement or we wanted to gratify our carnal lust. The Shepherd didn't berate the sheep when He found Him. No, He lifted him up and gave him warmth and shelter from the elements as He joyfully carried him back to the fold. What a picture of The Good Shepherd which Jesus described in John 10:1-17 ( Par 153). The apostle Peter called Him the Chief Shepherd and Bishop of your soul (I Peter 2:25).  

The publicans and sinners flocked to hear Jesus, even as He was preaching on the cost of discipleship. People aren't impressed by easy believism, they want to hear it straight. There is a cost to discipleship. This is not found in legalism, but rather in a mutual relationship with the Master. We forsake all and submit to Him totally as the shepherd and keeper of our souls. Jesus our Shepherd, God in the flesh, had a compelling drive to seek the lost. May we ever seek to have the same drive and anointing.  

**End of excerpt**  

It has been said that we are the only bible that some folks ever read. The church has gone uptown, so to speak, and has all the modern technology and merchandising methods known to man, but the single hurting soul is often lost in the rush.    

Who is going to reach that little lamb who has fallen into the pit?

You are, my friend. That is your commission and your anointing.

Luke 4:18 The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, Because he anointed me to preach good tidings to the poor: He hath sent me to proclaim release to the captives, And recovering of sight to the blind, To set at liberty them that are bruised,
19 To proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord.  

Just as the lamb in the parable heard his Master approaching, the sinner watches every step we take and analyzes  every word that we speak. He hears us our testimony and perhaps we are singing this old song.  

The Shepherd went out to search for His sheep
And all through the night on the rocky steep
He searched till he found him
With love bands he bound him
And I was that one lost sheep

Yes friend, I was that lost sheep. I was in this same pit as you but, my Savior found me and washed me in His precious blood. He took away the things that didn’t please Him and enabled me to boldly proclaim to others that He cares for them also. He is seeking you. He is gently calling you. Listen, He is calling your name.

Somebody Has Said
  "I care not where I go, or how I live, or what I endure so that I may save souls. When I sleep I dream of them; when I awake they are first in my thoughts - no amount of scholastic attainment, of able and profound exposition of brilliant and stirring eloquence can atone for the absence of a deep impassioned sympathetic love for human souls."  - David Brainerd  

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